Q&A: What books should I ask for for my birthday?

by Paul Watson
Question by HeyBye27: What books should I ask for for my birthday?
I'm a guy, 14 turning 15. My favorite books include the Harry Potter Books (obviously), The Lightning Theif by Rick Riordan, and The Book Theif by Markus Zusak. I tend to like adventure and fantasy books, but I'm starting to get into some of the classics that I read at school like Of Mice and Men. Do you have any suggestions for books that I should ask for for my birthday?
Best answer:
Answer by weedymedusa
You might like the Ray Bradbury stories--there's a great anthology. My son's about your age, and really liked the Pendragon series by DJ McHale--I think you'd really get into them based on the examples of books you like. It's non-stop adventures with great, intelligent characters and smart storylines. Saving the universe, time-travel, creepy villains, etc.
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